EXTRA – Mind Your Language … at The Old Cock

Mind Your Language … at The Old Cock

Andy Checketts

Droitwich’s oldest pub has had a sympathetic refurb giving the multi roomed pub a range of atmospheres.

Stone and stained glass window

Cosy lamps and soft furnishing in parts and various drinking and dining areas in styles old and new. This 18th century pub features an old stone church window within its frontage (previously part of St. Nicholas’s Church and ‘borrowed’ at some point in history). It creates a unique frontage to the pub with stone gargoyles inside and out. The pub was once known for holding the ‘Bloody Assizes’ courts under the watchful eye of the ‘Hanging Judge’ – Judge Jeffries, is now  a centre for a huge range of community activities. You may now lose your head in a book and or your hearts in a game of cards! The activities include fun Spanish classes led by Joanna Wright, plus French sessions, board games, book club, folk club, U3A group, pamper nights, Knit and Natter and JP Paranormal!!!

Joanna Wright leads Spanish in The Old Cock

New this year, licensee Nick Fellows and wife Claire offer value traditional pub food and a full range of well kept Marston’s beers. Unusually, Old Empire at 5.7% is a permanent feature along with Hobgoblin Gold, Pedigree and Banks’s Mild. All with CAMRA member discount. See notice board in the pub if you want to join in social groups … or just brush up your language.

The refurbished interior